Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Good mornin kids, or for all of y'all that have a nine to five schedule - good afternoon! Now we don't know if any of y'all have picked up on this, but Miss Vero has been sicker than a dog, since just past Thanksgiving and we have had very little energy to do our regular cavortin and carryin on. Thank goodness this all came to an end last night when we were so graciously invited to the home of a prominent and very important artist and his lovely wife- a brilliant designer. Who knew that such fabulous people could reside right here in little ole Vero? But of course Miss Vero is teasin, we all know that there are many facinatin and artistic people in town. One of the reasons they choose to live here is for the peace and quiet and dadgum, we sure do have a lot of that!

When we last logged in with y'all we had a little burst of energy on Friday afternoon and we decide to get ourselves over to the Epicenter of Cool - Undertow. And speaking of celebrities lookin for peace and quiet, just who do y'all suppose was there? Miami Herald columnist and used to be funny writer - Mr. Carl Hiaasen. He was there with his teeny, tiny Mrs. and we can't imagine that they were there to eat because, they are probably the skinniest people we have ever laid eyes on. Ain't no fried chicken in the Hiaasen house, we can tell y'all that for sure. And no, Miss Vero did not speak to him again, not that we didn't have the opportunity, we were still probably not up to feelin like our ole vinegar veined self at that point.

We're still mad at Mr. Hiaasen for playin that elitist golf game at that resource drainin, private club, Quail Valley. We talked about our encounter at the Costa back in June. Maybe someday we'll get over it, we know Mr. Hiaasen's not holdin his breath.

So perhaps we'll just mosey on over to Lake Wales on Friday, to see our favorite Florida author Mr. Tim Dorsey. He'll be at the Lake Wales Public library, all friendly and accesible at 6:30 pm.
And his new book is comin out on January 27th! Can't wait. Y'all know he'll be coming to Vero and of course, Miss Vero will make a day of it, cause we love Mr. Tim Dorsey and we are on his mailin list - so there, Mr. Hiaasen!

Hissy fit complete. Time for a cocktail!



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