Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Oh my goodness the Press Journal has published a story about the Patio restaurant opening this fall! Seems like we did that two weeks ago. Wait! We did do that two weeks ago (read July 24th post "Vero Treasure Chest"). Yesterday we asked when they'll notice that Rip's and Monte's have closed and today we have to report another restaurant closing in Sebastian - The Red Garlic. Thank you to our Supreme Sebastian Source.

And we just have to add - the Coste D'Este staycation idea? Puh-leeeese. It's just more Lemmon juice poured in the wound, feels good to get the uninformed riled, huh Russ?

Oh well, Miss Vero has bigger fish to fry today. We just gotta tell y'all that this business of bloggin is seriously cuttin into Miss Vero's cocktail time, so we are takin Wednesdays off. Besides, scoopin the PJ is gettin to be old hat.

Got a lunch date, libations and snarky-snacks, comin right up!



Jethro Bovine said...

Miz V,

Honey, I think that super-sharp food critic at the Depress Urinal will be reviewing the Red Garlic next week.

By September, mr lemmon may break the news that the Dodgers are a-leavin'. 'Course, he'll probably blame it on Mrs. Bowden.


BlessUrHeart said...

Did you hear, Dewey defeats Truman!!