Howevah, today we must just point out that Max is talking about Janeane Garofalo, a dear personal friend (since 1989) of Miss Vero and we struggled to keep our "no censorship" policy in place. It is difficult to be in the public spotlight, with folks judging you based on limited and sometimes twisted information. So in the spirit of fairness, which Miss Vero always strives to be, we will today offer a bit of a defense -not of our dear friend Janeane, but of another show business person Max speaks of (a person we do not know and do not care for his brand of entertainment) - Mr. Rush Limbaugh.
We offer this article in the hope that everyone takes a deep breath and remembers that, in show business and politics (and the containment of small children and good ole boys), smoke and mirrors are used all the time to provide amusement and feed fear.
Oh, and one thing we do agree with Max on - Charlotte Tripson is goin places. Miss Vero has a very peculiar talent and that is spotting it in other folks. We were right about Janeane some twenty years ago and we'd bet the farm on Charlotte as well.
Max Newport
It is funny to watch some of our crazy liberal friends go further off the deep end when they perceive an event that they believe to be a conservative protest. (I am not calling liberals crazy but there are a few out there that fit the bill as do a few conservatives.) Last Wednesday morning, I was trying to adjust my calendar so that I could attend the tea party at the county administration building but I could not do it without abandoning responsibilities for which I was being paid. Responsibility should not be a partisan issue. Even though I did not attend, I would have if I could. If such an event had been planned during the corporate bailout advanced by Henry Paulson and company last fall, my desire to be there would be the same as would my reason for being unable to attend. For me, asking our Congress to perform in a professional and competent fashion is not a liberal or conservative position but one of expectations akin to what the government expects from us as taxpayers and citizens. While preparing our tax forms there is a sharp realization that our government expects a great deal of responsibility from us and our pocketbooks. Should we expect less of them? Nope. I don’t believe we should.
Since I could not attend, I had to rely on our local media to fill me in. Miss Vero had the Tallahassee Tipster. Russ Lemmon had a typical assortment of drops. The best local coverage, however, was done by Charlotte Tripson from Ms. Tripson put up an 18 minute video that was well done and actually gave me the feeling of being there. Good job Charlotte.
On the national level, Janeane Garofalo, “an American Institution since she burst on the scene in 1992” (her words from her website appropriately titled wins the total nutcase award for telling MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann: "Let's be very honest about what this is about. This is not about bashing Democrats. It's not about taxes. They have no idea what the Boston Tea Party was about. They don't know their history at all. It's about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up and is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. There is no way around that." the best of my recollection the Boston Tea Party was an act by early patriots to protest taxation without representation. The British government, in a bail out plan of their own, passed the Tea Act in 1773 to prevent the East India Company from going bankrupt since the company was in debt to Britain in excess of a million pounds. The Tea Act allowed the company exclusive access for shipment of English tea to the colonies and imposed an export levy to be paid by the Americans then returned to the Crown to replenish the coffers of lost debt.
The tea party last week was about taxation without responsibility or accountability from our representation. We have plenty of lackluster legislators in our nation’s capitol most of whom would be fired on the spot if they shared their work ethic in the private sector. My primary complaint is the devil-may-care attitude expressed by 246 Democrat members of the House of Representatives on February 13, 2009 who approved a 787 billion dollar stimulus package contained within a 1,073 page bill that none of them had bothered to read. Maybe some of the whiz kid speed readers were able to scan the massive document that was made available to them at 10:45 P.M. the night before the vote. The House leadership had promised a minimum 48 hour period for public review of the bill before a membership vote. That turned out to be a lie as would be a statement from any representative claiming that he or she had read and understood the bill before voting for it. In addition House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made it clear that there would be no recess until there was a House vote. Did she allow bathroom breaks? I can’t speak for the “bunch of teabagging rednecks” Ms. Garofalo is referring to, but my primary displeasure is with our Congress and not our President. I hope that we have not reached a point where any legitimate complaint against our government will be construed as a racial attack.
If I were a lawyer and you were my client, how would you feel if I showed up for your day in court with a 1,073 page document that contained all of the evidence in your case . . . that I had received just less than 12 hours before. Would you feel that I would be fully capable to adequately represent you in a competent and professional manner on an issue that is obviously very important to you? No. A professional would seek a continuance to properly digest the information so that you could be properly represented. If a building contractor showed up to build your house with the same level of preparation, you would feel the same. How about a surgeon? I think you get my drift. Is it acceptable to expect a lesser degree of preparation and responsibility from our government than we demand from ourselves?
There are those in the political arena that will seek to spin any activity to promote their political agenda. For many that is their job. Keep things divisive. I doubt if anyone could go any further left than Ms. Garofalo, although I’m not really sure what her job is other than being “an American Institution”. Then there is Rush Limbaugh on the right who said on his radio program (which I did not hear) that his major concern regarding the tea parties was the possible emergence of a third party.
There was a reporter from CNN who attended a tea party with a distinct agenda to paint the participants as right wing hatchet heads and it kind of blew up in her face. She lost control of the situation and herself in record time.
If I had attended our local tea party, it would have been to promote responsibility in government rather than encourage divisive party politics. Call me irresponsible for not getting involved, but don’t call me a racist or a partisan for wanting to be there. There is plenty of blame to go around for our current financial mess and there is responsibility to be shared on both sides of the aisle. Let me leave you with a quote from Barry Goldwater: “Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.”
AuH20. Have a great week fellow Beach Housers and don’t drink the yellow tea.
In case y'all are wondering...
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...our no censorship policy remains, but please, don't be ugly to folks and watch y'all's cussin...
Thx for your take on an event from which you got snippets, Max. My take was exactly as so many other "movements" are intended -- have you seen "The Music Man?" It's a scam, these rallys, smoke and mirrors about one subject to get a completely different thing accomplished. Toby "Harold" Hill and friends had a good ole town square meeting ["trouble, trouble, trouble . . . "], arms and hands waving. Pool -- er, spending -- is evil. Do they suggest how we should be cutting spending?
This tea party was about praising Posey, and asking the group for more like him to run for office. That ain't non-partisan.
And the place was covered with GOP groups, many of whom made it clear to the Dems present that they weren't wanted. Again, non-partisan?
The fact is, Max, you even start out by doing the same thing they do -- condemn "liberals" and use every GOP example as praise, every Dem as the devil including the very talented Ms. Garafolo.
As I said before, it'd be nice if someone was suggesting a solution to the spending. Their only solution was to hire more do-nothings like Posey. The guy who thinks electing a black man is a good reason to check birth certificates.
Miz V,
I know you love your friends. I also believe that Ms Garafolo is entitled to her institutionalized opinion. However, she should stop being so racist as to claim that anyone who disagrees with the government's fiscal irresponsibility (spending without a clear plan) is disagreeing because of the color of our nation's learder's skin.
I DON'T have a better plan, because the Administration has not given us ANY plan to use as a point of reference. What I would like the tea-partiers to accomplish to to force the administration to formulate a comprehensive, coherent, and appropirately vetted plan for using this HUGE pile 'o money. What are we going to get for our $$? (Don't give me campaign gibberish like "create or save 3.5 million jobs". You can claim that "We already saved 5 million jobs by not letting the big banks and big auto companies go toes up.") Give me a timeline with specific mileposts.
I would NEVER hand someone my personal checkbook and say "Here is all the money I have and my kids have. Spend it on whatever you want. Don't bother telling me who you are or what you spend the money on. Just tell me that you are achieving my goals. (Don't bother proving it.)" So why should I be okay with the Administration doing this with the federal fisc?
And DO NOT start out with "Well Bush's war..." We were promised CHANGE. Change we can believe in. We just forgot to ask if it was a good change or a bad change.
Miv V,
I apologize, but my shine-addled brain mis-typed "appropriately".
One more thing, we do not have a BLACK president... we have an AMERICAN president! We never referred to Bill Clinton as our "White Southern" president. So why are we (liberal and conservative, alike) pigeon-holing Mr. Obama as a black president? He is an educated, highly intelligent, duly elected president. 'Nuf said.
Ohhhh Jethro hunney,
Don't make me come in there and give y'all what for... cause we know y'all just like that a little too much.
Miss Janeane is like my child, I may not agree with her, but waoh to those who take umbrage with her, for we will defend her like a motha bear.
And just where were y'all exactly, when Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney were spending your hard earned taxpayer dollars on their no bid contract war? Where were the teabaggers then?
Didn't have your checkbook in the safe that day did ya Bubba?
Miz V,
Are you suggesting that since we were less able to control what "reckless disbursements" in the past, we should not care now? I prefer that this nation learns from our mistakes.
Miss V,
I have always enjoyed Ms. Garafolo's work as an entertainer, in fact I am going to watch her tonight on "24". I have watched her do the "My Sharona" dance on my "Reality Bites" DVD so many times that it now freezes when it gets to that part.
I do think her political stance is extreme, but she may be saying things like she did to Olbermann to bait conservatives like me. If that was her plan, it worked.
Anyone who made that statement would get my attention. Maybe I should start watching Fox instead of MSNBC. She certainly has the right to express her opinion and I will continue to support her as an actress. Thanks for giving me an outlet to disagree with her politically.
Seriously, you boys are boring me. Show some teeth and gums and come out fightin. Maybe I should get in touch with ole Rusty Limbaugh...
Every Friday after I read Miss Von Voots’ post, I sigh a deeply and promise myself that come next Monday, that I will nevah-evah again will read poor ole Max. But then, when Monday rolls around it’s just like a car wreck and I just can’t help myself from lookin’ at the blood and gore.
Now call me crazy (everybody does), but it seems to me that about eight years ago a president left the nation a surplus of cashola and a new president (who’s family tree is a shrub) came in on a platform of "no new blowjobs" and "it's your money”.
A-merry-ca went strangely silent after that, contemplating “no new blow jobs” while the Shrub and his party spent the country into oblivion on useless wars and tax cuts for the rich.
Fast forward to 2007—the year the financial crisis began to unfold—The Shrub magically whipped out his “no new Blowjobs” wand and voila, the top 10 recipients of the federal government’s Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) collectively paid their CEOs a combined $242 million in total annual compensation. That averages nearly $25 million per CEO. Since this is Florida and most of our citizens are afflicted with Alzheimer’s or dementia, let’s remind ya’ll that the TARP bail out was the baby of the Shrub and nobody questioned the logic of givin’ all that moolah to big business and Dick’s huntin’ buddies. Funny how there wasn’t nary bit of teabaggin’ in 2007 and 2008.
Today those of us who have no problem with blow jobs and never had a whole lotta’ money to begin with (no matter how hard we’ve worked); have the chance of reforms that will benefit the average American. Ask the Count; there is nothing more threatening to the ruling class than the possibility of average citizens becoming politically empowered and actually voting their own self interests.
This thing was like a hijack, I have read more then enough about patriots, to know they promoted first and foremost, healthy dissent. This was a gathering of those that would silence dissent,as it might lead to other things. Witness the last eight years of their version of happiness in America.
Miss B,
Are you suggestin' that "one bad turn deserves another"? Two wrongs do not make a right. Also, you might want to consider that all federal financial appropriations (be they war, entitlements, TARP, or Incentive Plans) begin in the (Democrat-contolled) House of Representatives and must be approved by the (Democrat-controlled) Senate BEFORE they ever reach the president's desk (Democrat or Republican).
And I can't believe that you would degrade the only thing that Mr Clinton got exactly right.
You mean the blow job??
Dr. John says: I don't think there is much difference between the political parties. They both will try to block a third or forth party so they don't lose control. In my opinion our elected officials are only concerned with getting theirs and leave the running of the government to the beaurocrats.I think it is to late for the citizens to regain control of our country. In other words we are screwed!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Bush's screw job was a real crime, as opposed to the personally-oriented Clinton Blow Job. The problem is getting a plan in place to correct all the mess that was left behind [yuck, there's a visual I didn't want].
Not even 100 days of trying to get some damn checks on the money in place, and they were ready to tea-bag the Prez -- when they had EIGHT YEARS to come after the shrubbery. C'mon, boys, you think riling up the masses in anger is really gonna help? Help elect the people the organizers will suddenly promote, that's what it will help. How much ya wanna put down that they'll all be GOP, Jethro? xoxoxo
Miss B,
Dr John, as always, hit the nail on the head. It does not matter if it is a Republican or a Democrat... they're still politicians and we're still screwed!
Watch and learn.
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