Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Don't y'all get your hopes up for the Baltimore Orioles to come into town. If y'all read the paper from that city, Vero is competing with a few other Florida towns -
"On Tuesday, the Lee County (Fla.) commissioners approved an agreement with the Boston Red Sox to build a new facility for the team in Fort Myers. If the Red Sox approve the deal, that would leave Fort Lauderdale, Sarasota, Vero Beach and Fort Myers - the complex that the Red Sox currently train in would become vacant with Boston's move - as potential suitors for a team and the Orioles as the only club looking for a spring training home.",0,3831310.story
Someone named Johnny_Ringo made the comment on Russ's column yesterday that -
"Holman stadium and Dodgertown are dumps. This complex has nothing to offer a large-market major league baseball team. There are not enough eateries, hotel rooms, or entertainment. Twenty something year old players need something to do besides go to Chili's or the bowling alley."
Yes, we couldn't agree more, twenty something year old players do need something to do in this town. Miss Vero happens to know two separate cases of girls who have had "Dodger Babies" and were left behind after spring training. Perhaps the child support payments sent are what is meant by "contributing to the community".
Brian Heady, bless his heart, is doing his best to run for office. That's not scary, but here's what is - sources confirm that (Bob) Solari is already meeting with the county human resources staff to find out what his health care and benefits will be, etc. Pretty darn cocky, and the staff spoke about it just 'cause they think so, too!
We happened to see Big Ole Bob strollin around the Chili Cook Off last weekend. Perhaps his interest in health benefits are concerning a possible weight loss procedure.
And speakin of the Chili Cook Off... Miss Diana Foote (who we have ignored for oh so long, just hoping that she'll go away) reported Wednesday that -
"Among schools, St. Edward's Upper School took home the blue ribbon."
which prompted the one and only comment -
"St. Ed's won? Surely you jest! Of all the entries, theirs was the worst. Everyone in my party spit it out. Ick.Thanks to Pointe West for hosting the event, they did a great job."
Miss Vero concurs, when we finally got to the St. Eds Chili we stopped tasting because it was just nasty. That was it, we were done, it was just plain ole ketsup and kidney beans and if that's what is considered "traditional", we'll pass, thank y'all very much.
If we were a conspiracy theorist we would mention that we think Miss Foote's children attend St. Eds, but hey it was all fair and square right, because even Mayor Tom White was a judge!
That's right kids, Mayor Tom White will be pullin out his big ole scissors tomorrow to cut the ribbon at the new and improved Vero Beach airport, catering to all of y'all that have acess to private transportation.
We are just happy to see Mr. Eric Menger doing well these days, we always did like him.
Pumpkin Martini anyone?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Well, we got a laugh out of it anyway, but the question remains. Is this Miss Clem's vehicle? Does the vehicle have a disabled permit? Dunno. Any of y'all out there willin to say yeah or nay, let us know.
Oh Lawdy, we hope it's not our friend Max Newports!
OK y'all, all funnin aside, here's the real important message -
At a "quiet " time today, the whole process of parking, waiting, checking in and voting took over an hour. Looks like the turnout in Florida will be huge for all parties. Good thing Gubna Crist has extended voting hours from 7am until 7pm:
Miss Vero believes that everyone's vote should count and that everyone should have a voice in their representation. Call us crazy, but we still believe in the process.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
And although Miss Vero loves y'all dearly, no, we will not get nekid in public, we feel bearing our soul is sacrifice enough!
The party then proceeded to a swanky new hotel where bottles of Dom and assorted other libations were purchased for the whole bar! A whopping $5,000 more was added on to Mr. Big Spenders credit card with an additional 100% tip! Do the math children.
Anyhoo, we heard all kinds of speculation about how Mr. Big Spender came into this fortune and perhaps there was a celebration of some sorts that would be news worthy. A lottery winner, a huge biz deal, a major windfall? But somehow, Miss Vero's party and barfly instincts kicked into high gear and we just knew that there had to be more to the story (or as Paul Harvey used to say "the rest of story", oh and by the way, we still have the lovely gift clock that we received when we attended his big birthday bash in Chicago - yes, yes we know, another story for another day).
So, using all resources available, we contacted MRS. Big Spender and what we heard broke our heart. This poor woman is retired, living in a mobile home community and her husband has somehow gone off his medication and for the last week or so has run amok. Yup, that's right, gramps gone wild.
Why are we tellin y'all? Well because now that the cards are maxed out he'll probably try new ways to finance his fun and this could mean trouble. We know his wife is worried and yes, she did call the Sheriffs department who were somehow convinced by Mr. Big Spender that everything is under control and there's no law against being generous. So just remember, if you see the story sensationalized in the PJ, ask Miss Vero for the real deal.
We sincerely hope for a good ending to this story, at least for the poor woman was gracious enough to speak with us, even though she is beside herself.
Remember hunnies, leave the partying to the professionals.
After all, what else was it that Mickey Roarke's character said in Barfly? Oh yeah...
"It takes a special talent to be a drunk. It takes endurance. Endurance is more important than truth."
Monday, October 27, 2008
But before we get to that, Miss Vero wants to make sure that y'all got a chance to read Mr. Jose Lambiet's report of Mrs. Gloria Estefan's show last Saturday night. Y'all remember the one that will benefit educational programs in Indian River as well as, other counties? Well kids, for a reminder see our August 10th post "Jilted Lemmon":
Last Monday we wondered about the new Connie Francis bio film starring Mrs. Estefan. Well, Mr. Lambiet's report from the Palm Beach Post, not only gives us a little more movie info, but dishes on the concert too. Interesting comments after the report and doesn't his new page look fabulous?:
We might not agree on every issue, but Miss Vero is sincerely delighted to post his opinion with out censorship. Please welcome Mr. Max Newport:
-Max Newport
Progress has not been kind to Vero Beach in the area of local news coverage. With all of the advances in media technology and means of communication, we are unfortunately in an abyss where the local news is defined by one outlet, and that of course is the Press Journal. You have to appreciate what Channel 10 is trying to do; if you can figure out what it is they are trying to do. It takes a very patient person to sit through the PowerPoint graphics and then try to figure out what they are trying to say. I am not that person.
In Vero Beach, local news is what the Press Journal says it is. In other words, if it is not in their paper, it is simply not news. This has really dumbed down the citizens of this community in the area of local current events.
We are sort of in a twilight zone of media coverage. Every now and then a Palm Beach television reporter will come up to get some footage of Ira Hatch waddling out of a holding cell but beyond a major tragedy, the numbers just aren’t here for coverage by the major outlets. This leaves us with the Press Journal.
It hasn’t always been that way.
A sure sign of approaching geezerhood is looking back fondly on the good old days and saying how much better things were then than they are now, but sadly in the area of local news coverage, that is very true. Let’s borrow a phrase from soul singer Tyrone Davis and “turn back the hands of time” thirty years or so.
Vero Beach in the 1970’s actually had a press corps. It was common to see six or seven reporters at a city council or county commission meeting or even at a meeting of the hospital board of trustees. This was before all of the meetings were televised so that folks like Brian Heady could set their VCR’s to watch their brilliant tutorials on constitutional law to the elected officials.
We had the Miami Herald with two reporters led by the legendary Phil Long. The Today newspaper had a full time staff of three reporters, one being the outstanding Georgia Curry. The Palm Beach Post and the Orlando Sentinel each had a fully staffed bureau in Vero Beach. Channel 34, WTVX, did two half hour newscasts daily with Vero Beach and Fort Pierce news. Three radio stations had full time news divisions, WTTB, WAXE and WGYL. There was also the Press Journal, which was published twice a week and focused on local news. If you wanted to know who was in the hospital, and why, it was in the Press Journal. Most folks bought the Press Journal strictly for local news and also subscribed to another newspaper for daily coverage.
There were unofficial coalitions. The Press Journal owned WTTB, so they naturally worked together and shared stories. WAXE worked with Today. Phil Long with the Herald and Pete Noel at WGYL were the Vero Beach version of Woodward and Bernstein. There was competition amongst the reporters to get the story and to get it first . . . and get it right. When the Press Journal went daily, people started cancelling their subscriptions to other newspapers causing the local bureaus to close. WTVX was sold and became a Palm Beach station. The Vero Beach radio stations, which were loca lly owned, were sold to media groups where Indian River County news was not a priority.
Local news coverage went downhill to what we have today; the Press Journal. Radio news is limited to Neal Stannard reading TCPalm stories at the bottom of the hour on WTTB. Neal, God bless him, has been part of the radio scene for decades and is a talent that is very much underappreciated.
If Max Newport was a drinking man, and he is not, a toast to Neal would be offered at this point.
The media picture in 2008 is bleak. The Press Journal, with all of their self-proclaimed opinion of journalistic professionalism, is extremely lame. Georgia Curry, who I mentioned earlier, would be able to produce all of the original news copy for the paper and still have time to help her kids with their homework before hitting the sack, and it would be accurate and highly readable. Sadly, Georgia died at a very young age in 1977 from a rare blood disorder. Anyone who was fortunate enough to know her will remember that she was one of a kind both personally and professionally (and truly missed).
Without any viable competition, the Press Journal has become complacent and the prime example of this “we’re the only news outlet in town and we don’t care” attitude is the “columnist” Russ Lemmon. You know Russ, he is the guy you see walking around town that looks like he needs a job. I’m sure Russ is a nice guy (well I don’t know him so I am not sure but he probably is), but he has lowered the IQ of anyone who relies exclusively on the Press Journal for local news by at least ten points. He came to Vero with a chip on his shoulder about how mean everyone is and has gone downhill since. I’m not sure why the Press Journal saw a need for his type of writing, but whatever it is he is doing . . . and he is right up there with Channel 10, belongs on the opinion page. I will say, in his favor, that he wrote an article in last Saturday’s paper about the baseball Grapefruit League that was actually quite good.
Initially, there are three things that have irritated me regarding his recent writings that deserve attention. There are probably more, but I will focus on three.
1. The Sebastian Soccer Team School Bus Attempted Rape.
Russ wrote an article claiming the suspension of the remainder of the season was too severe of a punishment for what happened on the school bus. The problem was that Russ didn’t know what happened on the school bus but chose to criticize the school officials, who did know, anyway. When he did find out how serious the incident was, he writes a couple of sentences that he stands by his opinion that sports are good. Basically he responded that the facts be damned. That’s his story and he’s sticking to it. He could have gained some credibility if he had just admitted that he wrote his diatribe without knowing the facts of the story and had he known the severity of the allegations, maybe second guessing the school’s decision wasn’t such a good idea. Max, by the way, did provide a comment on TCPalm expressing those feelings which was promptly deleted by Russ and company.
Sometimes saying that you screwed up is the right thing to do.
2. This Whole Kay Clem Thing.
Good God!!! This is a man on a mission and it is so obvious. It became clear when he typed his first article about Cathy Hart being fired that he despised Kay Clem and was clearly in the Cathy Hart corner. Such blatant biased writing is simply unprofessional and does not belong on the news page. I’m not sure such personal attacks belong even on the opinion page. One thing about Russ, he is certainly transparent when it comes to Kay Clem. He is freaking obsessed with her.
Once again he has a “facts be damned” attitude when it comes to her.
A shining example, one of many, is his writing of a “shopping spree” on November 30, 2006. He painted a picture of Kay Clem hurling credit cards like Frisbees at cashiers in an Orlando mall while her poor employees were slaving away at the elections office working their fingers to the bone while severely understaffed.
Max Newport is not a professional journalist like Mr. Lemmon, but this concerned me to the point that I actually made a phone call. Russ could have made that phone call but didn’t because it didn’t fit his agenda. Max called 567-8000 after the “story” was printed and found out within minutes that the Supervisor of Elections office was closed on November 30, 2006.
That’s right. No one was working in the elections office that day.
They weren’t having a kegger on the beach. The county had closed the office to move furniture and equipment from the old location to the current one. Shouldn’t that be something that a responsible reporter would have included in the article?
It appears that his obsession with Kay Clem, which borders on mental illness, does not include an obsession with the facts. What I see is an indifference to the truth.
3. Lemmon Drops
It seems that when Russ has nothing to write about he produces these nuggets “to nibble on” while we are waiting for intergalactic canine communication or something equally inane. So we are supposed to nibble and wait.
The Lemmon Drops themselves have kind of a Larry King meets Captain Kangaroo quality. Larry King once had a weekly column in USA Today that was brilliant in comparison to what the Press Journal sees as publishable.
If you don’t remember King’s column, it was a stream of consciousness style of prose that took him about an hour to write (the full hour Larry?). Larry would say something like:
“For my money, Richard Dreyfuss is the finest American actor in the business today. . .”
“Call me old fashioned, but on a hot day nothing beats a frosty mug of root beer. . .”
“Robin Williams? One word. Funny . . .”
Those aren’t actual quotes but you get the idea.
Russ wants us to nibble and wait. My confectionery knowledge is limited but from what I recall his corollary is a hard piece of candy that would do some real damage to the teeth. A devoted Russ reader would be not only stupid, but toothless as well. What Russ is really saying is “Suck on this until I find something to write about”.
It is sad for someone, who received his first ever paycheck from the Press Journal, to see this level of journalistic deterioration. And it’s not just Russ; he is just such a simple target. It is frustrating to have a single news source and have it at the level the Press Journal has become.
If there is a Press Journal in Heaven (and you know it can’t be Heaven without it), Georgia Curry is laughing.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Who doesn't like to see downtown Vero buzzing, y'all just never know who you might run into. At least we got out last night, although it took a little while to get things goin, eventually it all came together.
After all our frettin about the hard times we're all facing, we thought it would be interesting to live large and go shopping for a $10 million dollar home on the beach. This economic crisis can't last forever! Our good friend Miss Barbara, who is a realtor with Thorpe Southeby's, invited us out to the open house of "Veromar" last evening.
Now, Miss Vero just doesn't have an extra ten mill in this months budget, but any of y'all that do can give Miss Barbara a call and we're sure she'll arrange a private tour of this fabulous property. And if y'all can't do that, at least check out her fabulous blog:
After our house shopping we dropped in on the Contemporaries at the Vero Beach Museum of Art and even though they had a pretty lively blues band, it was dullsville babe. We don't know why, but every time we attend a function there, we get a cold vibe.
So that the evening wasn't a total loss, of course we ended up at the Epicenter of cool - Undertow. Hanging with Miss Kitty and and the Zigmeister, we were having us a good ole time when - in walked a posse from the place we'd just ditched. Yup the "Contempt-oraries crew! Stick with Miss Vero and we'll show y'all where the party is.
We are hoping for nicer weather tomorrow to attend the Firefighters Chili Cook Off at Pointe West:
Or the Good Ole Gifford Soul Food Feast:
Or maybe both, because y'all know, the only thing we like better than a stiff cocktail is some fiery azz food!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
They usually get updated on Friday's (that's why we're tellin y'all about it today) and sell out fast, but there's everything from Rhonda's produce to fine dining to golf at half price. It's definitely worth keepin a eye on.
And our friends over at the Vero Beach Business Directory have an updated gas price guide (along with a ton of other helpful info):
Now for the bad news.
We told y'all on Tuesday that the Fresh Mozzarella Company has closed. We were also disappointed that the Peppridge Farm Outlet at the Outlet mall is gone (we really loved getting those mint milanos at a discount) and now we hear via the PJ, that another Vero restaurant has closed it's doors:
Anymore tips or deals out there? Let us know!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Aww, he's not so bad, that Charlie- Is that old (and yes we do mean old) John McCain thinkin out loud?
MELBOURNE — Sen. John McCain acknowledged in an exclusive interview Friday that he probably would be better positioned in must-win Florida if he had picked Gov. Charlie Crist as his running mate.
Looks like the Democrats maybe winning this year boys, that's sure gonna put a wrinkle in Mrs. Palin's wardrobe plans:
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Ayright y'all, now Miss Vero has seen everything! A Red Hat luncheon at Earl's Hideaway! Just snapped this photo while we were headed up to Sebastian to meet the Secret Squirrel for lunch. Didn't want to get too close, lest they suck us into their evil Red Hat Cult!
Sebastian used to be one good time party place and it seems like they're not gonna give up that reputation anytime soon. Right next to Earl's the new location of the already popular Pig and Whistle Pub fits right in along the slow moving, pedestrian friendly Indian River Drive.
And now our Supreme Sebastian Source tells us that another party friendly hot spot might become a new neighbor. Rumor has it that Lou's Blues, a club on the beach in Indiatlantic is lookin to take over the old Hurricane Harbor spot, just south of Hiram's.
Miss Vero has been to Lous Blues many a time and we can tell y'all that they're so not famous for being on the beach (cause y'all can't see it at night) as they are for having live music 7 nights a week. So with Hiram's booking some national acts and Earl's getting into the big stage business, will Lous Blues complete the set? Looks like Sebastian might keep it's party town reputation after all.
Who woulda ever expected to see Earl's getting classy? Now if only somebody could please get Damien Gilliams to clean up his waterfront properties? We honestly haven't been payin any attention to Sebastian politics for a very long time, but here it is 'bout ten or so years since we've checked in and Damien is still Sebastian's red headed stepchild. At least the man's consistent.
On our way back from lunch, we thought we'd scoop up some treats from The Fresh Mozzarella Company in Wabasso. As we pulled up we spied a small sign in the window saying that they were finally taking a vacation - in August, but a hand written sign on the door simply said "They're Gone!". A quick peek in the window confirmed an empty store.
Left Wabasso to travel further south to vote at the Indian River Library, but couldn't find a parkin spot! Way too many cars with LOAR stickers parked out front. And Sheriff wanna-be-probably-gonnabe, Mr. Loar himself in the parking lot with Mrs. Bob Solari, checkin out a fender of a car that mighta been just scraped a little. Never did get to park, so we'll try again another day. Heck, almost happy hour anyway...
Monday, October 20, 2008
That being said, if we did happen to be in the presence of Mrs. Estefan, we would probably be interested in the progress of her new movie, where she is slated to play the underrated and now probably forgotten, Miss Connie Francis.
Seems like the Costa is gearing up for a fabulous season. Since we stayed there in June and continue to lunch, cocktail and dine there, management and staff have settled in or departed. It's no big secret that Benchmark Hospitality is currently looking for a new GM for the resort:
We just hope that we'll continue to see Monica Smiley and others who have always made us feel very welcomed.
Miss Vero told y'all about Mr. Michael Haskins' book signing in Vero on October 3rd. Well, on his blog this weekend, he posted details of his Vero Beach adventure, his friendship with local radio guy Bob Soos and his encounter with Miss Vero!:
If y'all recall, we first meet Mr. Haskins when we read about his potential travel to Vero for the Vero Beach Book Festival this year that was, of course, unceremoniously canceled . Y'all might remember that we wrote about it way back in our May 27th post, "Write It Off". The PJ had printed a little blurb written by someone we didn't recognize by the name of Robin Roup, who actually had some manners and replied to our inquiry, unlike many other PJ staffers (including every editor we have ever written to), who seem to think of Miss Vero's correspondence as of no consequence! How rude.
Here's the original post and all the links, we think it's an important enuf story to be repeated and for those of y'all too lazy to look it up:
Come to find out that this story was given to Robin, who was a summer intern at the PJ and there has been no follow up. So sad, when the Book Festival was just getting some major attention for the literary community and the downtown location was such a pleasant reminder of what Vero can be. Suppose we'll just have to hoof it on down to My-am-ah to get the real deal and catch Dave Barry and the Rock Bottom Remainders:
Well now that we finished our morning Java, time to see what manner of things we have planned for our week and see if our friend, the South Beach Queen has something more valuable for us than Gloria gossip. Like maybe, a guest room for Miss Vero in that South Beach Condo during Book Fest week!
Friday, October 17, 2008
IRC GOP (Greedy Ole Party) member #1:
Hey, boys this fella Stewart is lookin way too smart
IRC GOP member #2:
What???!!! What in a pigs eye are y'all talkin 'bout Cletus, thar's no way
IRC GOP member #1:
Weel Poot, that thar whatcha sayin, mighta been true a few years ago,
IRC GOP member # 3:
Now boys, don't y'all go gettin y'all's tail in a knot, we done got this whole mess taken care of. All we gotta do is make a call to that thar lobby firm we been payin good money to, they gots them a few ways of diggin up some mud just before the election to put peoples mind back on our side.
IRC GOP member #1:
But what about that newspaper, they done already endorsed him in the primary for his party?
IRC GOP member #3:
Dang Cletis, ain't nobody gonna memba that. Besides, ain't nobody gonna go lookin for any truth in the matter 'cept for what we give em - and that includes that "newspaper". They ain't got no spine boys, they'll print what we give 'em. Heck, even that thar Jewish editor is a Republican, now don't that beat all?
IRC GOP member # 1
A Jewish Republican!!?? That' ain't right, I believe it goes against the laws of nature!
IRC GOP members #1, #2, #3
(histerical laughter)
IRC GOP member #1
Ayright, we done got that figured out, now what are we gonna do 'bout Miss Vero?
IRC GOP member #2
Everybody got a price, we'll just pay her to hush up, how much y'all figure it gonna cost?
IRC GOP member #3
How much we got?
IRC GOP members #1, #2, #3
(collective sigh)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ok, two things Miss Vero would never pay money to see - A boy band and a church revival. Yet this is exactly what we did last night by going to see Altar Boyz at the Riverside Theater. Here's a little background for y'all to catch up on the storyline:
It was good. Too good. We almost forgot that we were in Vero. For a moment, Miss Vero thought that we had been kidnapped and awoke in some theater Downtown (New York City, y'all!). We couldn't wait to go to our favorite French restaurant in the East Village for a late night dinner after the show and then to some steamy hot drag clubs. But no, the only place to walk to was, out into the parking lot.
OK, back to the show. Y'all can read the reviews in the PJ or the Florida Today, but let me just tell y'all to make sure to bring a bunch of friends with ya to liven up the audience, because that was the tip off we were in Vero Beach on a Wednesday night!
Some wiseacre was sittin in my seat when we arrived, so we were all polite and didn't think much of it till a little later when he started snappin his gum and puttin his feet up on the rail in front of him. The nerve.
Miss Vero was also appalled at the number of folks who left immediately after the show-stoppin song by the very talented John Pinto Jr., musta been way past their bedtime. And there certainly weren't anybody millin about or meetin up afterwards.
Honestly, we're sure some of those folk in the audience, bless their hearts, were half dead. How else can y'all explain the sight of five very happy boys prancin around on stage while fisting lampchop puppets and not one snicker from the crowd? We thought that was hilarious! In, fact we loved the humor, but with a crowd that doesn't get it, it lost some of it's sparkle.
The Riverside Theater is fabulous! We just want a little after party, younger people, a full bar! But this is Vero, we suppose we should be grateful for the sponsors who have supported a great venue and an outstanding professional group of theater people that are willing to perform here at all!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Maybe Mayor Tom White can get the number of that marketing company from Miss Kay Clem and get himself some promotional scissors with his name on it. Seems like the only place we ever see him is at a ceremonial ribbon cutting.
Y'all remember his famous pose at the Costa d'Este this summer. Sure nuf we spotted him last week at the opening of Solantic out near the Sam's club (we're sure you'll see that photo in an upcomin issue of the saucy glossy Vero Beach magazine).
And next on the agenda - another ribbon will need cuttin at the airport on October 31st.{D77F8F81-F690-41AB-945B-719FAA8ACFA3}&Design=PrintView
So Miss Vero is wonderin today, what's worse? A public official who wastes our money, (which seems like a Republican affliction), or one who gets caught foolin around on the job and wastes our time (which is mostly a Democratic deviance). Or maybe it's an entire political system designed to divide and concur us while both of the aforementioned continues endlessly?
There might be hope - spotted while we were out and about in Indian River County, the lone sign of a third party candidate.
Hey y'all, we left yesterday's post up a little extra long so that maybe some of those numbers would sink in. Just one more reason to keep the al-kee-haul flowin.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
But Miss Vero digresses, as usual. Seriously children have y'all seen Mr. Lemmon's new video? Well, we just have to tell y'all that Miss Vero loves, loves, loves it!
Never let it be said that Miss Vero does not give credit where credit is due- so here it is, mark today on the calendar!
Thank you Russ, loved this piece!
Why it’s a retirement plan for executives, based on years of service and pre-retirement cash compensation. It is not tied to executive performance and designed and marketed specifically as a way to increase executive compensation “off the radar screen of shareholders” (or taxpayers)
The financial accounting standards board "does not require liabilities associated with serps be itemized separately” and therefore compensation is usually hidden from our view, as firms are not required to include this increase of value in their compensation schedules.
(“Pay Without Performance” By Lucian Arye Bebchuk, Jesse Fried)
In 2004, he received $361,121 in total compensation. In 2005, his total compensation was essentially the same, coming in at $357,778.
A lot to consider, don'tcha think, what with all the recent budget cuts and job loss at the hospital:
Now that we've finally let the cat poke it's head outa the bag, is there anyone else that might like to add something to this hospital information sit-che-ation? C'mon y'all, Miss Vero has opened the door, just walk right in.
Monday, October 13, 2008
"Beachies" comment: hmmm, and how does this have anything to do with us exactly?
Perhaps, Bobby's can send them some memorabilia:
No comment from Mr. Lemmon? No proposal of a local "Biggest Loser" charity event ? Guess he's finally dropped his Estefan obsession.
We are still a tad bit bleary eyed from this weekend kids, Miss Vero thinks we shall mix up a few bloody marys and plan out our week.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sorry for being late y'all. Miss Vero was out volunteering today and when we got home we found something that we must share. Enjoy!
Have a great weekend, see y'all Monday!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Oh, sorry y'all, Miss Vero digresses, 'nother story, 'nother day, where were we?
Regretfully, the du Roselands don’t provide me with health insurance. I know ya’ll are thinkin’ I should just point these majestic TaTa’s at the du Roseland’s and make them do my bidding.. But hunnies (as Miss Vero would say) that pair are as blind as bats, reeking of gin.
But I just gotta’ have one of those “Mammy-grams,” so I made me some phone calls. Not being a shy and retiring southern belle, I also asked for an appointment and a discount, ‘cause it’s TaTa awareness month! This is what I found out…..
Indian River Medical Center - doesn’t “do” um.
Sebastian River Medical Center - does ‘em, but no one seems to know if there is a discount (or either the regular cash price). I’ll let ya’ll know if I get a return call from ‘em.
Indian River Radiology- doesn’t “do” um.
Vero Radiology Associates – does ‘em. Every year they offer a discount in October. $149.00 (reduced from $210.00)
Sebastian Radiology Associates – does ‘em. They’re the new kids on the block. Their price is $50.00! Jumpin’ Jehosephat! I now know who’s squeezing the TaTa’s tomorrow."
And now to get the flow of testosterone back for all of our manly man Beach House readers, would law enforcement and big trucks do the trick? We thought so hunnies, here's a picture that Miss Vero just had to snap the other day that seems perfect for the occasion. Looks like potential Indian River County Sheriff Mr. Loar, certainly has some friends in high places!
Here's to hoping that Mr. Loar is as good a sport as our previous favorite bubba for Sheriff, Captain Bill McMullen and that he doesn't mind being featured in the company of some Boobies and Tatas!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Let's review the basics shall we kids?
And - another obviously needed reminder - we categorize the Beach house as;
Now we do know that our local news is not providing us all with everything we would like to see, so we appreciate that y'all come to the Beach House. We think if we keep our wits about us and our manners in check, we can all have some fun while learnin a bit more about each other. Who knows? Maybe we'll all get along a little better and make Vero a better place to live.
And to Mr. George Sigler, who has taken the time and expense to have his opinion written in the PJ:
We didn't know nuthin about Mr. Sigler, so we decided to pay him a visit yesterday and we have to tell y'all that he is a very interestin character indeed! Miss Vero was very impressed with Mr. Sigler's gracious hospitality and his words of conviction when asked about the Denise Harvey case. He does not agree with what Miss Harvey did, nor does anyone one else, we're sure. However, he believes that the sentencing is excessive and by the looks of how many people were coming through his office yesterday, he has certainly started the ball rolling.
And if y'all are interested in his book and want to get it, we added it to our Amazon Book Club box under our profile.
Miss Vero is so pleased to announce that we are the very first recipient of the first "widget" (that's the little box up in the right corner). Now y'all can have Beach House access to the greatest local restaurant site, courtesy of our friend Mr. Mark Landry.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
1322 US One ● Sebastian, FL 32958
772-589-0435 ● Fax 772-589-0997 ●
September 30, 2008
To: All who support private sector salvage.
RE: Chapter 1A-31 rule change.SOS: “Save our Shipwrecks”
The Florida DHR/BAR has published their new version of the rule on salvage permitting and they have, as usual, seem to have ignored all input from private sector salvage groups. Their rule was published Friday, Sept 26 in the Florida Administrative weekly. Links below.
If you, as I do, have any problems or suggestions, etc. on this new rule, your last chance to make any comments or protests is Oct 21, 2008 unless you plan to quit the commercial salvage business or intend to challenge the BAR in a lawsuits or administrative hearings. Below are just a few of my problems with this ridiculous Rule Change. Feel free to copy any part of this letter and use it in your comment. DO IT NOW!!!!! If you come to the hearing to comment in person, it would be even better. Make sure you bring a written version of your comment to leave with them for the record.
We need every treasure hunter, salvor, captain, crewman, staff, investor, friends, relatives, or anyone else you can think of who has an interest in, or enjoys seeing, the private sector recovery of treasures and artifacts continue in Florida to send a comment to the State against the proposed changes to
Rule 1A-31.
Here’s how:
1. Go to Google
2. Type in: notice 6172515, click search
3. Click on either: http://www.Proposed Rules Open For Public Comment or 1A-31.0012: Purpose-Florida Administrative Rules
4. Click on 6172515 at the top of the field that comes up
5. Go to bottom of page and click on blue “Make Comment” box
6. Follow instructions to register
7. First write in-Rule 1A-31, then your comment such as:
1. I am against any rules or regulations that would hinder Florida’s historical shipwreck salvors from their continued recovery of treasures and artifacts, such as the current proposed rules.
2. I believe the Division of Historical Resources should do more to work with the private sector salvors of Florida and rule 1A-31 does not seek to do this.
3. I believe Florida’s private sector salvors have done an excellent job of recovering and preserving our maritime heritage, to the direct benefit of the public and at little cost to the tax payers and should be allowed to continue with as little interference as possible. Rule 1A-31 does not do this.
4. I do not want my tax dollars used by state archaeologists to dive on shipwrecks. The private sector salvors have done a great job, using their own money, with Florida getting the benefits. No changes to rule 1A-31 that will make it harder for the salvors to continue.
5. The new rule is not fair because it treats commercial salvors as second class citizen due to the fact that it does not give the same standards to commercial salvors as Rule 1A-32 gives to universities and non profits. For example, the turnover/response time to get permits for 1A32 is two weeks while commercial groups have waited months and years. Also 1A-32 uses students as excavators while commercial enterprises must use experts.1A-32 permit holders get a search, recovery, and conserve permit ALL in their first permit while 1A-31 requires commercial salvors to obtain “search and survey” permits with rules that vary from salvor to salvor, and NO recovery/salvage permits that were not already grandfathered in by Federal Admiralty Claims have been issued to commercial groups in Florida for over 15 years.
6. I am opposed to the rule because individuals who have current contracts for exploration have not all been individually notified of the workshops and hearings. It is also unfair that when they are notified, the locations of the such get togethers repetitively takes place at locations remote to the majority of the private and commercial entities it will affect, in the middle of a work week. Therefore, if say, a few dozens commercial groups from the Keys want to attend, they need to drive either 9 hours to St. Augustine area or 12 hours to Tallahassee area (and back) This means they have to miss THREE days work to attend. Two driving and one at the meetings. Future meeting should be held in a central location of the state, ie. Orlando to make it fair to all. In the same vein, the meetings should not be held between June 1 and Sept 30th of any year as that is the 120 window for good weather conditions on the majority of the archaeological sites worked by commercial salvors.
7. I am opposed to the rule because it insists that an archaeologist be on board each salvage vessel during each and every survey and excavation. This is absurd because most surveys electronic and are non intrusive and also because the majority of actual excavations are empty or turn out to be modern intrusions such as lawn chairs, shrimp traps, beer cans, U.S. military bombs in their practice areas, etc. Of course when major conglomerates of shipwreck material are found, it would then be appropriate for the archaeologist to be on board. Much of the time spent by the archaeologist working with a cartographer mapping a cluster of remotely sensed anomalies, identifying patterns from other know sites in whatever area, helping decide which anomalies to excavate first, and writing reports after discerning thru the reams of data provide by the physical exactions. His presence on the site is not necessary most of the time, only when prominent features require it.
8. The new rule should address some sort of Annual Adjudication of Title from the State to the permit holder rather than “Transfer of objects” in exchange for recovery services. This way, the state can receive donations of artifacts, because it is usually impossible to put an actual dollar value on each and every artifact found and this would create much confusion in tax law since the transfer of object has an undeterminable value.
9. This rule creates more work and time usage for DHR to manage their resources. Permits should be issued for a minimum of three years, much like the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary does, this would alleviate cost to the DHR by reducing paperwork.
10. This rule is not fair because commercial salvors are constantly in the research and development stages of using new technology for survey and excavation and conservation. Much of this is proprietary information.This rule eliminates many future possibilities and opportunities
11. .This rule is unfair because it requires permitee to turn over thousands of dollars worth of proprietary survey results without any guarantee that the permitee will be allowed to get to salvage a site once it is found. There is no incentive for permitee to obtain a survey/exploration permit. An alternative would be to use wording similar to that in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary which does not even require a “Survey/Exploration” permit at all and yet it seems to have beneficial.
Or come up with a comment of your own. You can also read the proposed rule changes and make more specific comments on various sections. You have until October 17th. Do it soon and get everyone you know to send a comment!!!! This is very important!!!
Today's the Day!
Taffi Fisher Abt
President, Mel Fisher Center, Inc.
Vice President, Motivation, Inc.
Member, Historic Shipwreck Salvage Policy Council Editor, Institute for Marine Archaeology and Conservation
Thanks for listening and supporting our friend.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Honestly kids, we are exhausted from all the activity over the weekend. but not complaining, because finally we are seeing a lot a fun in our little town. A big MWAH to Mr. Michael Haskins and his good friend radio big guy, Bob Soos! Somewhere in between our cocktailin and appointments we have found time to dive into Mr. Haskins book, which is taking us to Key West (where we'd much rather be). If y'all couldn't make it to the book signing, there's still the Amazon box at the right that never closes and will be happy to deliver to y'all's mailbox.
Now, we hope y'all were paying attention to all the activities we talked about because, Miss Vero tries to attend and support each and every one. we are not just postin all this information and not participatin and we hope y'all will come out too.
A lot of political e mails comin in and we are siftin and sortin them all out. We just have to tell y'all that the accusations of Republican corruption and control in Indian River County seem to be the general theme.
Two things we're watching - the meeting tonight determining (perhaps) the Tax Collector outcome. A faithful Beach House guest wonders if Miss CJJ's brochures at the Republican Men's Club meeting at Quail Valley, Friday, was just a slight bit tacky? Guess we'll all see if that marketing material had any influence.
And - the hot contest to clean up the Supervisor of Elections Office. Miss Vero hears that the local G.O.P. refuses to allow a Democrat in any position in this county and is willing to go to great lengths to prevent losing any 6 figure position from it's team. But here's the big question - are they going to go so low as to smear a Democrat with hardly relevant documents from years ago and will the PJ be their willing sling shot for the mud? Pay attention kids and stay away from the fan.
Miss Vero would like to take a moment to send our condolences to our friend, Mr. Rhett Palmer, who lost his beloved mother on Friday.
Now, we must skedaddle off to lunch today with one of our favorite Vero story tellers -
"Mr. Muse of the World".
Oh wait, the phone's ringing, let's see who it is - McCain Headquarters! Hmmm, yup, think we'll take that call...
Lot's more poop and scoops tomorrow, see y'all then!
Friday, October 3, 2008
The Past - Good ole boy politics on the state level, a deal is made to hand over a 6 figure plum.
The Present - We see a woman with the initials CJJ madder than a wet hen because she is not getting any party favors from her party.
The Future - And now listen carefully kids, because The Tallahassee Tipster is coming thru loud and clear on this one, so just sit and ponder this a minute- A wife currently running for her husbands old job will (after elected) hand over the seat to the original deal maker from a fishin family, which was the plan of the G.O.P. (Greedy Ole Party), all along.
Now usually Miss Vero would be respectful and "sit shivah" over this situation, but the Tallahassee Tipster wasn't having none of that and insisted that we tell y'all the backroom story.
When Miss Vero asked about the possibility of Dr. Neal Abarbanell being elected, and didn't he have a good point by asking why a candidate needs a $350,000+ campaign coffer to win a $115,000 a year job? (correction- a $32,000 a year job - that's even worse!)
The Tallahassee Tipster just laughed and said that the Greedy Ole Party would do everything that they could to see that a Democrat would not have that seat.
Time will tell, if The Tallahassee Tipster is right.
Now maybe y'all don't care that much about local politics, but maybe y'all should. After all, those taxes paid and your right to vote should count for something.
Y'all can still register but only until Monday. The Supervisor of Elections office is open on Saturday from8:30am till 4:00pm. so y'all have no excuse. If you're worried about your address being right or anything else concerning your vote, please call the office at 772-226-3440.
A good friend of ours was turned away during the primary, because she did not have a matching address on her drivers licence. She had moved within the county and forgot to update her voters registration. So Miss Vero is just sayin kids, make sure y'all's paperwork is in order.
As strange as it seems, Miss Vero and Mr. Palmer are enjoying an odd relationship. Mr. Palmer mentioned Miss Vero on his show yesterday and that put a little smile on our face. Of course y'all know that there's probably nothing that Mr. Palmer and Miss Vero agree on, sure nuf not politics and certainly not religion, but Mr. Palmer is a gentleman and he makes us laugh and has turned out to be a very good sport about all our vinegar veined posts about him. So when he asked us to post his video (which he is very proud of) until election day, we agreed. This is the updated newly edited version on the bottom of the page, but if y'all want, y'all can still see the rough cut on the September 16th post. We still think it's hee-larious and maybe there is somethin we agree on after all - we're sick of politics too, Rhett.
Y'all remember we told y'all to go see Michael Haskins at Walden Books tomorrow? Well if y'all can't make it, the book is available at and y'all can get it right here through Miss Vero's Beach House. We also recommended two books in the same genre from another writer who we love, Mr. John Mackie. Mr. Mackie is an author living in Vero, who Miss Vero fondly remembers and Mr. Mackie, being the sharp New York retired Detective that he is, will more than likely remember Miss Vero. The Amazon box is right under our profile, in the upper right side of the page and you can get any Amazon product,by going through that box, which helps to support the Beach House, thank y'all very much.
Y'all might want to check out our friend Chris Blatus' sister Jeannie, who is a fabulous singer and her duo "Sleepin' Dogz"will be at Waldo's 8pm Saturday night. Miss Vero gets a lot of things sent our way and we don't post anything unless we really love it and we have to tell y'all that when we heard Jeannie sing and Leo play the guitar well ...we really loved it! Check out their site and have a listen for yourself, Miss Vero is sure y'all will agree.
Time to start our weekend adventures, maybe we'll see y'all out and about, but we'll definitely be back at the Beach House on Monday!